
Top 7 Things To Do At Home When It’s Too Hot Outside

Summer is something many of us look forward to. It is the time of the year for vacations, for relaxation, to go out with people, and of course for some of our favourite fruits like mangoes. But isn’t it just too hot outside these days? You go out and you are sweating just in a matter of minutes, making you regret your decision instantly! Come on, we have all been there this year!

Having said that, indoor activities during this time can be just as fun (not that we might have any option unless we all want to melt like ice cream), sometimes even more if we do it the right way. To do that, here is your Things2do guide to some of the most fun and interesting activities you can do at home during these hot summer days!

1Host A Scavenger Hunt!

Scavenger hunts are an all-time favourite and most of us jump at the chance to take part in one whenever we see it. Probably stems from the fact that we watched tons of treasure hunt related movies and cartoons when we were kids and dreamt of doing so ourselves one day. Quite possibly the funnest thing you can do at home with your family, give each other or your kids a clue, which will lead them to another one, and so on and so forth. At the end, have some sort of a treasure like a “coupon” to get ice cream or cake or a massage maybe that you can do later in the evening.

2Become A Movie Director!

When it is too hot, close all curtains and windows, switch on the air conditioner, and get out your camera! It is time to test your, your partner’s, and your children’s creativity and imagination skills by acting out your favourite movie scenes or even coming up with your own stories! Get creative with the props, dolls, and toys available in your house, make a costume that resembles as closely to your character as possible, and shoot! It is bound to become a cinematic masterpiece, something which you can send to your friends and family and even win a Home Oscar!

If you do not wish to be a director today, no issues! You can just simply choose to spend time with your family while watching a series on Netflix.

3Take Part In A Hula Hoop Contest

Quite possibly one of our favourite things to do with our siblings and cousins when we were kids, hula hooping is a super fun activity to do at home! What makes it better is that you can easily turn it into a competition with your family! The gist is simple, who can keep hula hooping for the longest time without dropping it?! The winner would get a fun prize like you have to take them out for their favourite meal and get them whatever they ask for! If the winner can do tricks, bonus points for an extra special treat post the meal!

4Turn Your Living Room Into A Bowling Alley!

What goes best with those pints of beers that you have lying around in your refrigerator? Why of course it is bowling! Since you cannot make it to your favourite bowling alley, why not bring this royal, time-honoured tradition to your own house?! Move the tables and sofas and other furniture to the side, set up some empty plastic bottles on the far end, gather your friends and family, open up your beers, and let’s go (only use a tennis ball, speaking from experience)! The winner gets an extra pint and epic bragging rights forever!

5Give Your Partner A Beauty Treatment!

Turns out that getting a full salon treatment in the comfort of your home can give you the same kind of relaxation that you get in a salon. You and your partner can take turns giving each other haircuts, styling them, a facial, and whatever else comes into your mind in terms of a makeover! It can even turn into a romantic one if it is just you and your partner! You can also decorate and turn your home into a fashion show venue, use that makeover you just got, and walk the ramp in your best dress/suit that you own!

6Learn How To Make Ice Cream At Home!

What screams summer better than ice cream right? These delightful little cold things are our biggest support systems during the hot summers and they always leave us with a smile on our faces. So this summer, why not take up a new skill by learning how to make them at home?! It’s actually really easy to make them once you find the right video for you. All you have to do is go online, type how to make ice cream at home and you are good to go!

7Take The Time To Write A Story!

Who does not want to be the next Rowling or Tolkien or Fleming? To many of us, the dream to do so sounds far-fetched but it is not impossible! Who knows what hidden talents we have? If nothing else happens then at least you know you have written a fun story that your friends, family, and kids would enjoy reading. You can also write short stories that your kids would enjoy re-enacting, ultimately making for a really cute afternoon!

After reading this, we are sure that you would want to do one of these activities as soon as you get a chance. Actually yes you should just go ahead and do it now because all of these sound so fun and entertaining! We at Things2do hope that this guide serves you well and to stay inside, away from the super hot sun outside. Stay safe!

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Content Writer at Things2do