
Top Breakfast Dishes to Try on a Trip Around India

Food is a godsend for every foodie everywhere. It gives our life meaning, as in something to live and work for despite our ever-changing circumstances. It is also the reason why many people travel to India every year. Each part of India has its own distinct cuisines, with a variation in the local dishes found even as you travel to a different area within the same state. That is a cool fact, right? Many of us choose to take trips within India with this being one of the objectives.

Well, since breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it is also the most important one on a trip. A proper breakfast allows you to step out and explore your holiday destination for a longer period of time before you need to stop for a meal somewhere. On that note, here is a guide for you, curated by Things2do, for the best way to enjoy a trip around India by savouring all the local delicacies that the various destinations have to offer.

1The Magnificent Artistry of the Khoba Roti in Rajasthan

khoba rotiCooking an amazing breakfast is a skill but very few turn it into a work of art by maestro’s like the people of Rajasthan. A state that is already extremely popular for its magnificent forts and various art forms has decided to imbibe that proud culture and tradition into its food as well. It may taste just like a normal Rajasthani roti but the artistry alone will make you want to just admire it. Show it to all your friends on Instagram and let them guess what it is just for some fun.

2Snack Your Way through Assam

kordoiThe culture, traditions, and cuisines of Northeastern India have always been an enigma to many people around India for multiple reasons. The region has opened up a lot recently and is welcoming people from all over to experience the best of what it has to offer. 

Kordoi is one such traditional snack that is great for your journey, especially for your little ones. Made primarily using wheat flour with other ingredients like onions, carom and cumin seeds, it is also a healthy snack for those who choose to be conscious about their health, and that of their children away from home.

3For Your Next Trip to Goa

pancakeWhat is it about Goa that attracts us the most? Oh who are we kidding?! We know exactly what it is. The beautiful beaches, the shacks, and the most important of all, the booze! Some others also go for some of the local delicacies, a delicious blend of Portuguese and Konkan cuisines. 

Now, Pancakes are one of the most popular breakfast dishes in the world and there’s no doubt about it. But we at Things2do bet you have not tried the Konkani version, Muscatt. A dish made entirely from whole wheat, it substitutes sugar for jaggery, coconut, and cinnamon, into a dish that will make you forget your regular pancakes for a very long time.

4Feel the Kashmiri Aromas

teaThe moment you step into Kashmir, the feeling you get changes completely because now you are in, what most people call, paradise. The beautiful valley, surrounded by snow-capped mountains, the clear and fresh air is a sight to behold. Aromatic as the various flower fields in Kashmir are, one stands out distinctly. This is the smell of Kahwa, a Kashmiri Green Tea. Infused with cinnamon, cardamom, rose, and Kashmiri Saffron, it is the perfect way to start your morning from the balcony of your hotel room in Kashmir, overlooking the beautiful valley outside.

5The Mysterious Pongal from Tamil Nadu

pongalSouth Indian dishes are the most common and popular breakfast items in India, no matter the region. Dosas and Idlis have become a staple in multiple Indian households with variations all over. However, the Ven Pongal from Tamil Nadu is a less popular and heard of delicacy. A supremely delicious blend of rice and lentils infused with black pepper, curry leaves, cumin seeds, roasted cashews, and more; a bite of that is going to ensure that no future breakfast at home is complete without a side of Ven Pongal.

Things2do hopes that this guide suits you well on your next trip to any of these destinations whether it is a bike trip with your gang or a trip with your family in the coming months. Indian culture is all about food and its beauty is visible in every corner of every state in the country. A trip guided by food, is the best one to remember and cherish forever. For more exciting content on food and other experiences, visit 

Content Writer at Things2do