
Solo Trip Guide – Things You Need To Know While Planning Your First Solo Trip

Planning your first solo trip has got to be one of the most exciting experiences in life. From amazing monsoon treks near Mumbai to the best resorts near Mumbai to wonderful coastal villages and buzzing cities – there are endless things to explore on a solo trip. The fun begins as soon as you get past the initial hesitation and decide that you want to take that solo trip. From making a checklist to carrying only essentials and picking the right destination for a solo trip – this is all a part of your solo trip experience. To make it all simpler and more memorable for you, Things2do is here with a complete guide for your solo trip to help you plan this once-in-a life-time experience. Here’s everything you need to know!

Pick A Destination For Your Solo Trip

The most important part of planning a solo trip is picking a destination that will feed your soul and wanderlust enough, to not miss having any company during your solo travel. Find out if you are a mountain person or a beach person, decide if you want to shop till you drop or just relax in one of the beautiful, scenic, luxury resorts near your city. How you want to spend your ME time, is a big factor in deciding the best destination for a solo trip. Research the internet because it is a wonderful place where you can find so many recommendations and testimonials from reliable sources about places to visit on a solo trip. More on this later.

Plan in Advance


Everyone wants to travel solo, but the ones who do, are the ones who take the time out to plan a perfect solo trip. Planning in advance includes a good deal of R&D, checking reviews, and booking your stay and travel. Of course, you want to stay spontaneous and impulsive during your solo travel, but pre-planning helps you in more ways than one. Besides the fact that you get the best prices on travel bookings and stay, you are also a lot more confident about your trip and the whole idea of travelling alone when you have a solid itinerary to rely on. 

Avoid Extra Baggage


Travelling solo means that you are completely responsible for your actions and belongings. So to make the most of the trip you are so excited about, remember to pack light. Yes, you need to have all your essentials and emergency things, but you really don’t need all those outfit changes and backups for situations that might only arise in your imagination. Pack a backpack or suitcase, depending on your destination and type of travel and have a fanny pack or sling bag for all your solo trip essentials like ID, wallet, headphones, a book, a water bottle and other such things. An important factor in the Things to not do while travelling solo.

Stay Connected


We know solo trips are all about alone time and reconnecting with your inner self, but it doesn’t mean you go completely missing in action because safety comes first. Keep some friends and family updated about your whereabouts. Share your trip itinerary, plans and locations with someone. As another important safety measure in the digital era, you can also display your emergency info on the lock screen of your android or I-phone. In some countries and with some carriers, your phone can also share your location with emergency services automatically in case of any mishap. There’s no harm in being a little cautious with easily doable travel safety measures for solo trips like this. 

Make New Friends


When you travel solo you will be quite amazed at the kindness of strangers and how helpful people really are! While you are getting to know yourself in a whole new light, solo trips are also the perfect opportunity to make new friends with strangers and locals along the way. Don’t be afraid to start a conversation or share a meal with people you meet on your solo trip. Be safe but trust that not everyone out there is out to con or harm you. So be confident and enjoy these moments of exploring the world on your own terms. 

Be Aware



When we say, be aware we don’t mean you should be paranoid or overthink every move. You just need to be alert and aware of your surroundings. As a solo traveler, your instinct comes in more handy than you imagine. So while you don’t have the liberty of having friends and family around, you learn to use your instincts and rely on yourself and the people around you. So as long as you are aware and trust your instinct you are going to have the best time with exciting things to explore on a solo trip!

Have Spontaneous Fun!


Solo trips will get you out of your comfort zone like nothing else so when you do take a solo trip make sure to leave your inhibitions behind. Make sure you try new cuisines, explore new places and click lots of pictures. You might not want to post them as #Vacation on Instagram. They will surely be a part of some of your best memories in the years to come!

Best Places to Visit on a Solo Trip

Now that we’ve told you about everything you need to plan your first solo trip, how could we not tell you about the best places to visit on a solo trip in India. 

Sun, Sand & Solitude – Goa


We know that everyone wants to make a Goa trip with friends at least once in a lifetime because it truly is an amazing place to party with your friends…But what if we told you that there is a Goa beyond the noisy nightclubs and crowded beaches. A Goa of rivers and little villages, quaint little seaside cafes, gushing waterfalls, friendly locals and a lot more. If you’re looking for things to do in Goa when you’re on a solo trip, you’ve got your Things2do in Goa on Instagram for the perfect guide! 

The Royal Land – Rajasthan 


The royal palaces, colorful costumes, delicious food, friendly people and most of all the rich culture – Rajasthan has everything that you need to explore on your first solo trip and Things2do recommends you make that plan pretty soon. If you’re looking for exciting things to do in Jaipur, you’ve got to check out the Instagram Community Things2doinJaipur for the best ideas and experiences in the Pink City! 

God’s Own Country – Kerala


Solo trips are meant to relax and unwind and just enjoy some rare and precious time with yourself. What better way to do it than at a calm and peaceful Ayurvedic retreat in Kerala. Beautiful backwaters, hill stations and forest reserves – the beauty of nature in Kerala provides the perfect backdrop for all those Instagram vacation pictures. You can also find some of the best luxury resorts, hotels and restaurants serving delicious traditional Kerala Sadya. 

City of Dreams- Mumbai


Not everybody loves to take a break in the beauty of nature, some love the hustle of a city to take a break from their daily life. The tallest buildings, best shopping destinations, global cuisines, luxury hotels and the most unique experiences can be enjoyed in Mumbai city! Even if you are a Mumbaikar you can actually enjoy a break in your own city at the best luxury hotels for stay in Mumbai.  It is after all the city of dreams where you can actually experience everything on your Wishlist. 

Trekkers Paradise – Himachal Pradesh


This snowy land is one of the best destinations for a solo trip in India. From the beautiful Chandratal lake to the unexplored roads of Spiti Valley to the delicious mountain cuisines of the place, Himachal Pradesh is one of the most tourist-friendly destinations in India. So if you’re planning a solo trip anytime soon, this place should definitely be on your bucket list. The tall Mountains, little cafes and beautiful gushing rivers are the perfect backdrops for you to enjoy this time spent with yourself even more!

Looking for more exciting things to do in India? Follow Things2doinIndia on Instagram, because there we’ve created the perfect bucket list for all the exciting things to explore in India for you! 

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