
Men’s Day – Best Gifting Ideas for Men

If you believe that males don’t really enjoy celebrating events then it is untrue! When it comes to commemorating any event, we believe that men are the most eager and passionate people about it. They partake in every activity to ensure that the event is flawless and also come up with imaginative ideas to make it special. They may not always express their feelings in the same way, but they will when necessary.

So for someone who is so true to everyone and a rescuer to all the events, you can definitely plan something special. The universe itself has offered you a reason to pamper the men in your life with International Men’s Day!   

1Luxury Car Ride 


Men and cars are an unbreakable duo, and one of the greatest ways to celebrate Men’s Day with your man has to be with a stylish and luxurious car! If you often find your man talking passionately about fancy cars and their features (which is obvious) then we have something that will perfectly suit him. 

Dream Car Ride – Ultra Luxury Edition, a day perfectly planned for you and your man to celebrate men’s day in a luxury car. Enjoying the nicest vistas of your city while experiencing this joyride and the opulence of this car. It’s not just a joyride, but it’s an innovative approach to enhancing your lifestyle game with your man. 


Dream Car Ride – Ultra Luxury Edition 

A ride in an Ultra luxury car can never be compared to a conventional car ride; if you love going..


2Casino at Home


Now, this is something for a man who loves visiting Goa for its Casino life. We know Men’s day is a one-day celebration and visiting Goa in a day is definitely not happening, but instead, you can get a whole Casino at home. How!? Leave it by us, because we actually have a way! 

A professional Casino at Home, exclusively for your man to bring Goa’s Casino life at home for a day. This ultimate Casino with a professional table host, setup, and bartender will for sure make your man go gaga, and make him appreciate becoming the man of your life!        


Casino At Home 

A casino experience is more than just winning or losing. It is the rush of having the perfect set of..


3Campervan Roadtrip & Stargazing 


If you and your man haven’t been together anywhere for a trip for long, then here is the time! Pack your bags and run into nature for a break from the hustling schedules, where it’s only you and him enjoying the best moments of your life. 

But Men’s day vacation definitely needs to be more extraordinary than your usual vacation spot. How about a Campervan Roadtrip and Stargazing!? 

This is not your regular car trip but an upgraded version of it, with no hotel booking, restaurants hunt or worrying about what to do next. Because this Campervan has got it all, it’s a perfect set of everything that you need under one roof but on the wheels.


Campervan Roadtrip and Stargazing 

Do you often catch yourself dreaming of escaping into nature with your partner? Well, we’ve found..


4Yacht Ride 

If all of the above still doesn’t suit your man’s personality, worry not because we also have something for a man who is an ambivert. Someone who will enjoy a car ride or even a helicopter ride but will also love something more subtle. For a man like that, a Romantic Yacht Ride is the one! 

The Private Yacht enhances his classy personality, and the calm sea complements his shy behaviour. With you by his side, there is nothing else he would want to experience. This wonderful gift will surely stay memorable for your man. 


Yacht Ride 

Your loved one’s birthday or your anniversary, or any special occasion in your family is really one…


5Paraglide with your Man 


Men can never stop loving adventures, they are the type that can make even an ordinary day thrilling. If you have a man like that in your life then, we have a very one-of-a-kind experience to do in the city. Paraglide with your soulmate – something that your man can never say no for! 

Make your man paraglide with you above the city, and witness breathtaking views of the city together in a thrilling way. Not just experience it but get all those lovely memories back home with you in the form of a customised video. Keep cherishing this day and your man forever.  


Paraglide with your Soulmate 

Spend moments of adventure with your partner-in-crime for life as you enjoy the adrenaline rush..


Whether it’s International Men’s Day, his birthday, or your anniversary, finding the perfect gift for a man can be tricky. But what remains constant is your thoughtful idea; this small thought alone is enough to make any man feel special! For the man in your life who goes above and beyond for your love, this International Men’s Day, give him something remarkable, unique, and thoughtful, give him Things2do!

Writer at Things2do