
How to trend on Instagram

Instagram! If it’s not on Instagram It’s not a trend. From songs to photography templates to brands, everything and everyone is evolving with updates from the gram. While we are all enjoying this picture-perfect lifestyle, there is one major thing that we are all excited about: becoming the next big trend on Instagram! But trending on Instagram isn’t as easy as it seems, it requires some super important rules, cool tactics and fun algorithms, to know what exactly these are, keep reading this blog!

1Create Snackable Content


How often do you spend time on Instagram watching random content? Not at all, so if you want to become a trend on Instagram, don’t waste time posting basic content and instead focus on posting high-quality content. This is one of the most important tips to remember: create content that will set you apart from the crowd, and content that captures your audience’s attention and distinguishes you will make following you entertaining. 

Snackable content is what your audience will find enjoyable and interesting. It’s not always easy to create viral hit content, but you can always strive for quality content. So start using this trick and creating snackable content to trend on Instagram.

2Use Relevant Hashtags


When people first start using Instagram, they often believe that ‘Hashtags’ are useless, but they are not! Hashtags are very important in the Instagram world because they automatically place your content in the bucket list of the hashtag bank you use, making it easy for others to discover your Instagram profile.

Using the right hashtags on Instagram will increase your visibility and attract the right audience without even boosting your posts. Most importantly, use hashtags that are relevant to the style of your post. If you use a non-related hashtag to your post, you might get a view but won’t reach the right target audience and your profile won’t have great interactions, which is a great measure of popularity on the social media app. 

3Use Trending Audio for Reels


People enjoy showcasing their talent for recording, editing, and being creative in the form of reel videos, which have become a very important asset on Instagram. They even believe that simply posting reels will increase their followers, but it is the audio that is used for the reel that is important. A high-quality reel with trending audio is an ideal combination for reaching the right audience. Music increases the visibility of the content and allows it to reach a larger audience. So next time you plan to shoot reel content, first look for trending audio to match it, it will even give your content better direction.

4Make use of Instagram’s Native Features


You’ll notice a lot of new features on Instagram these days that you don’t think are particularly useful. In this case, you may be mistaken, because when Instagram introduces new features, there is a good chance that it will boost your post with it. Tags, collaboration, filters, stickers, guides and other new features on Instagram help you appear more frequently in the feeds of others. So, don’t miss out on trying all of Instagram’s fun features to be a part of the trending brigade.

5Be Informative


Have you ever noticed how a famous person on Instagram always shares every detail of their picture-perfect life, complete with proper information and a message about how it can benefit the audience? Every brand they use is mentioned while promoting it, the places they visit, the routines they follow, and much more that are interesting and will help the audience in some way. This is the most important tip for any rising Instagram influencer who wants to become a trend. Be informative about your content, as if it were a guide for others, and you will win attention here.

6Keep checking Insights 


Insights help you understand what your followers like, as well as what other Instagram audiences prefer watching on your feed. Instagram and its modernized features have simplified a lot of things; from your most popular post to your stories and more, you can easily check on them and begin updating accordingly. If you can’t check your insights, don’t worry; simply go to settings and switch to professional account mode, wait a week, and then start mapping your insights and changing your posting style.

7Know the best time to post


When we talk about insights, we don’t just mean knowing how many people saw your post, but also when they were active on Instagram. Timing is another important factor that influences visibility and engagement on your posts. Your audience is more likely to see and interact with your posts if you publish them when they are most active. Otherwise, your post may end up at the bottom of their feeds. So, choose your best time and have fun posting.

8Have fun creating content


Instagram is a fun place for everyone because it has so much great content about travel, lifestyle, fashion, food, and so much more. So, always keep this in mind when posting: do what makes you happy; there should be no pressure to post something; social media is a vast space with a new trends on it every day. So join in on the fun and show off your best creativity to others; if you enjoy what you do, Instagram will love to make it a trend as well!

9Start trending on Instagram today!


Bring the spotlight to you and boost your profile engagement and help your brand’s interest and audience base grow. Understanding the Instagram algorithm, hashtag optimization, and the types of media your followers are most likely to enjoy is beneficial.

If you keep these factors in mind and strive for exceptional creativity, you will undoubtedly be the next trend, and if your brand requires some marketing to give it a boost, you can always check out @things2doinmumbai and connect with their team for a big shoutout.

Writer at Things2do