
Hangover Myths Busted

If we had it upto us, no one would ever have a hangover, but since that’s a far cry, we are going to help you by busting some of the stupidest myths about hangovers. From big mistakes like drinking coffee as a cure to gulping down more alcohol the next day – there are so many myths that people believe when it comes to hangover cures.

1Myth 1 – Hair of the Dog


The most popular hangover myth – Hair of the Dog literally means treating yourself with the same thing you are fighting – i.e. treating the effects of alcohol with more alcohol! While this can help you feel better for the time being, eventually it will dehydrate you more and elevate the symptoms instead of alleviating them. So while the hair of the dog does sound like a tempting cure, it definitely is a myth.

2Myth 2 – An intense workout might help you feel better 


While we definitely recommend working out in general, we do not recommend it when you’re under the effects of a massive hangover. A brisk walk or a short jog will be quite perfect to kickstart your body after a long night, but an intense workout will just replenish you some more. 

3Myth 3 – Eating food AFTER drinking will not give you a hangover


While it is true that having food in your system while you drink is definitely a good idea, however, the smarter thing to do is to fill your stomach with some food before you start your drinking session. This will line your stomach and reduce the absorption of alcohol which is better than trying to cut the effects of alcohol with food. Eating after, will add some nutrients but won’t really cure your hangover symptoms effectively. 

4Myth 4 – Hangovers do not differ based on gender


It’s true! Men are from mars and women are from venus and the difference in the body constitution of both genders makes the effect of alcohol and hangovers different for both. Men have less fat and more water which helps alcohol dissolve better compared to women who have more fat and less fluid in their system. So, for the same amount of alcohol, women can still have 2x times the hangover! So ladies, chug wisely! 

5Myth 5 – Coffee is the Cure!


Many of us have linked our happiness to coffee, but it does not work after a night of hard drinking. A ‘hangover coffee’ is likely to make you feel duller once the effects of the caffeine wear off and increase the acid levels in your system. But if you’re one of those who really can’t start their day without coffee, go ahead and have that cuppa, but make sure you follow it up with plenty of water and/or fruit juices. 

Having busted all these myths, we think the best way is to avoid that hangover altogether and that’s only possible when you Drink Responsibly! 

If you want to know and bust more myths about different kinds of alcohol, check out our ‘busting the myths’ playlist by Alcohowl on Youtube!

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