Durga Puja 2024

Exploring the Best Durga Puja Pandals in Kolkata: A Guide to Durga Puja 2024

Bengalis are truly passionate about their festivals, and Durga Puja is the biggest celebration of all. They look forward to it all year, and the excitement around this five-day festival is undeniable. Everyone buys new clothes, cleans their homes, and spends the festive days visiting different puja pandals, enjoying the festivities.

Food is a big part of the celebrations. On Ashtami, the bhog and luchi aloo dom served at the pujo barowari are simply delicious. On Dashami, people say goodbye to Maa Durga with tears in their eyes but with hope in their hearts, chanting “Aasche Bochor Aabar Hobe” (Next year, it will happen again). They also exchange sweets and touch the feet of elders after the Visharjan to show respect and seek blessings.

In Kolkata, Durga Puja is more than just a festival; it’s the heart of Bengali culture. The city lights up beautifully to welcome Maa Durga. The streets are decorated with stunning alpanas (rangoli designs), and the pandals try to outdo each other with their grand, unique themes, often funded by large budgets.

So, if you’re planning to visit Kolkata during Durga Puja 2024, here are a few must-visit pandals that Things2Do recommends:

1Kumartuli, North Kolkata


Image Credit: Tripoto

Kumartuli is where the magic of Durga Puja begins. Known as the potters’ quarter, this area is named after the kumars or potters who have lived here for generations. One unique aspect of the idol-making tradition is the inclusion of soil from sex workers’ colony, symbolizing the inclusion of the isolated and marginalized, which adds to the beauty of Durga Puja. On Mahalaya, marking the start of Devipaksha (the festival days), artisans perform Chokkhudaan, painting the eyes of the Durga idols to invoke the goddess’s power. Once completed, the idols are ready to be moved to their temporary homes for the festival before being immersed in the waters. Visiting Kumartuli lets you see how these idols are crafted and fill your senses with the earthy smell of wet clay. The Durga Puja celebration here is one of the oldest and most revered, making it a must-visit to truly appreciate the festival’s origins and significance.

2Bagbazar Sarbojanin Durgotsav

Bagbazar Sarbojanin Durgotsav

Image Credit: Roni Boral

Bagbazar Sarbojonin, over a century old, is the first communal Durga Puja in Kolkata, breaking away from the tradition of being hosted inside a Zamindar’s home. This Puja is renowned for starting some of the most revered traditions, including the Birashtami Utsab on the morning of Mahastami and the Sindur-Utsab on the morning of Bijaya Dashami.

This Puja has witnessed the freedom struggle and carries a rich history while preserving its traditional essence. The idol is adorned in ek chala daaker saaj, a distinctive decoration that originally used thin sheets of silver delivered by post from Germany, which is how it got its name.

3 College Square

college square durga puja

Image Credit: Asim Bando’s KOLKATA BLOG

College Square offers a glimpse into Kolkata’s colonial history and has been a venue for significant political meetings and demonstrations over the years. It’s home to iconic landmarks like the Coffee House, and revered institutions such as Calcutta University and Presidency University. The area buzzes with students and intellectuals, creating a lively atmosphere where people gather to socialize and engage in adda amidst the charm of tradition. Visiting College Square during Durga Puja is a must, and don’t miss the famous Boi Para, i.e. the College Street book stalls. You can pick up a few books while you’re out pandal hopping.

4Deshapriya Park

Deshapriya Park

Image Credit: Daily Mail

Deshapriya Park has recently gained fame for its larger-than-life Puja pandals, showcasing themes ranging from Disneyland to the Burj Khalifa, and even featuring the tallest Durga idol in history. They usually open their pandal well before Mahalaya, attracting huge crowds. If you’re looking to experience marvellous displays on a budget, this pandal promises to deliver. Their budget is as impressive as the crowds it draws.

5Maddox Square

Maddox Square

Image Credit: Maddox Square Ballygunge Durga Puja Samity

Maddox Square is renowned for its international fame and stays true to traditional themes, distinguishing itself from modern abstract designs. As one of the oldest Pujas in Kolkata, it is celebrated for its grand decorations and elaborate rituals. The pandal here embraces traditional practices, featuring elements like the jhaar baati (the traditional chandelier), the infamous dhunuchi nach, and other classic Bengali rituals. It serves as a popular adda hotspot for the younger crowd, blending vibrant energy with timeless traditions. Food stalls are abundant, and bhog is distributed on Mahastami, adding to the festive experience.

Apart from these, there are other fantastic Puja spots in Kolkata worth visiting. Mohammad Ali Park is known for its amazing pandal architecture, with beautiful and detailed designs. Ekdalia Evergreen impresses with its stunning lighting, creating a truly magical atmosphere. Santosh Mitra Square and Tridhara Sammilani are great for those who appreciate a mix of modern art and traditional styles, offering a unique and creative take on the festival. Each of these places adds its own special touch to the celebration, making them must-see during Durga Puja.

Tips For Pandal Hopping in Kolkata:

– Plan Your Route: Given the sheer number of pandals and the large crowds, it’s essential to plan your route in advance. Choose a few key pandals to visit each day to avoid fatigue and do not overdo it.

– Cover Pandals in the Evening: Cover the pandals in the evening time. The lights will be on, enhancing the beauty of the decorations, and the crowd will be less compared to late night. 

– Use Public Transport: Kolkata’s public transport system is efficient and cost-effective. Metro, buses, and trams are great options to explore the city during the festival.

– Stay Hydrated and Safe: With long walks and large crowds, it’s important to stay hydrated and be mindful of your belongings.

– Respect Traditions: While enjoying the artistic displays, remember to respect the religious significance of the festival. Avoid touching the idols and be courteous to fellow visitors.

Durga Puja in Kolkata is an experience that transcends boundaries and brings people together. It’s a time when the city’s creative spirit is at its peak, showcasing artistic brilliance in every pandal. As you admire the mesmerising pandal decorations, you’ll also soak in the festive spirit that fills the air, making Durga Puja in Kolkata truly unforgettable. Whether you’re a local or a visitor, make sure to explore these top pandals and witness the magic that this festival brings to life. 

For more updates on the upcoming Durga Puja in Kolkata, follow @things2doinkolkata on Instagram.


Content Writer at Things2do