earth day

Earth Day 2023- 5 Best Ways To Celebrate Nature

Earth Day 2023 will be the 53rd anniversary of the worldwide event that brings people together to celebrate and protect our planet. This year’s theme is to ‘Invest in our Planet.’ 

Why is Earth Day Celebrated?

It is a national celebration that began in The United States in the 1960s when Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson, inspired by the environmental movement of that time, declared this and hosted the first one in 1970. The first celebration was a landmark event as it strengthened the support for vital legislative agendas like the Clean Air Act and the Endangered Species Act. Today, the Earth Day Movement is a global event that brings together more than a billion people around the world to work towards a healthy and sustainable environment. It focuses on educating the public and through policy initiatives relating to climate change, conservation and advocacy initiatives, promoting renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, recycling, and many more.

On this occasion, we at Things2do invite you to celebrate and protect our planet together with the best ways you can make your contribution and ensure the future is bright for our future generations.

Best 5 Ways To Celebrate Earth Day

1Walk, Cycle or Use Public Transportation to your Workplace

public transportWe know how convenient it is to travel to work in your car. You just have to get out of your house, into your car, and then get down straight at your office whereas Public Transport means you have to walk to the nearest station and then wait to share a space inside a crowded bus or train. 

However, not using it for even one day can considerably reduce harmful carbon emissions and you can even promote a healthier lifestyle for yourself if you choose to do so more often. Alternatively, you can also carpool with your colleagues (which might just help you make more friends and meet new colleagues by getting to know them too!) or invest in a hybrid/electric car in the future.

2Plant a Tree

plantIt is a classic case of short-term investments translating into long-term gains. Apart from benefiting the environment for decades to come, trees help to save energy, clean up the air, prevent soil erosion and provide a home for the local wildlife. Imagine the beautiful sound of birds outside your window every morning and the magic of baby birds hatching from their eggs, just lovely! It would be even better if you find out your area’s native tree and plant that in order to support the local environment, truly making it the most amazing and beautiful way to celebrate Earth Day.

3Visit a local Farmer’s Market

farmersWe all have access to all kinds of fruits and vegetables today wherever we go, right? But oftentimes, these come from longer distances and require transportation and storage which increases carbon emissions considerably and damages the local environment. The advantage of having something that is locally grown is that it reduces the need for transportation and spends much less time in refrigerated store shelves. More importantly, you will be helping to save the environment, support your local farmers and locally-grown products too!

On a different note, here’s a unique way to celebrate Earth Day by spending it with your family. It is also an amazing educational experience for your children to learn about farming and its importance. Things2do’s Keep Calm and Farm Experience allows you to actually dig into the earth and plant your own organic crops! For more information, check out the link-

4Purchase Reusable Plastic or Cloth Bags

environmentProtecting the environment has never been easier! Those thin plastic bags we get whenever we buy vegetables from the seller, that fall apart within minutes are actually destroying our beautiful home apart by leaching microplastics into the food we eat everyday. They are used only for about 20 minutes after which they end up in the waste where they take hundreds of years to decompose as they cannot be recycled. Birds and fishes unknowingly eat them which also damages wildlife to a great extent. There exists no other best way to celebrate Earth Day than appreciating and protecting all the beings living here!

Reusable cloth bags save the environment and money considerably in the long run as you can keep on using them for months on end and you can even wash them to preserve them. We haven’t even told you yet about the different ways you can paint and style up your cloth bags yet to make you the most stylish shopper there is!

5Spend Your Day in Nature

familySpending a day in your local city park has become so passé. It’s time to switch it up and spend your day amongst the beauty and tranquillity of nature. There exist so many ways to enjoy a day in the great outdoors that can also fit into your schedule and personality. You can spend a day hiking the trails within a nearby park, go bird watching, or by taking your friends and family to the beach. 

Alternatively, we at Things2do recommend that you can also rent your own luxurious campervan. Coming with an entire host of curated food and camping games, who said you can’t enjoy luxury and nature at the same time?

Check out the link for more information- 

The Earth is our mother and she has been the most gracious host to us since the very dawn of humanity and has nurtured and fed our growth like our own mothers. It is now time to do our part and take care of her so that we can preserve everything that is beautiful out there, and ensure our own survival as well! Having said that, we at Things2do hope that this guide enables you to make your own plans for Earth Day, apart from inculcating some greener choices in our daily lives. For more interesting content, follow us on Instagram at @things2doinmumbai and our website 

Content Writer at Things2do