
4 Ways to Avoid a Hangover After your Saturday Night Party

Weekend parties can literally keep you going through the mundane work week, but a hangover the next day can kill the joy entirely. So Things2do is here to make sure your weekend party doesn’t give you a literal headache the next morning with these simple and easy party hangover cures! 

1Super Easy and Quick Detox Water for Hangover


Hydration is the key to avoiding a hangover, but if you haven’t managed to stick to the ‘a glass of water between drinks’ rule, you’ve got to make up for it now, by hydrating yourself, post-party! This easy detox water is a fun and delicious way to do it. Keep yourself hydrated and get rid of your weekend party hangover like a boss, with this Detox Lime Cucumber Mint Water. All you need is a few slices of lemon and cucumber, a few mint leaves and a spoonful of honey. Mix all the ingredients in a big jug of water. Adda few ice cubes and let it infuse for a few minutes before you enjoy sipping on it for the next few hours. A fun way to stay hydrated.

2Banana Milkshake for the Win!


Banana Milkshake is one of the best home remedies for a  hangover. Drinking alcohol causes a lot of minerals like magnesium and potassium to get depleted from our body. A banana milkshake the next day will fill your system right back up with them and cure you of that horrid party hangover. Besides banana milkshake, even smoothies with Vitamin C-rich ingredients are a great way to get rid of that hangover! 

3Eat Something Spicy to Cure a Hangover


Hangover cures can be simple, sometimes available just around the corner! A spicy breakfast will surely make you feel better. So step into your favourite place for breakfast after a night of indulgence and watch your headache magically disappear. Note that you need to have a gap of 3-4 hours from your last drink for this to work, or you’ll just end up feeling sicker! Eat easy-to-digest carbs. Bagels, sandwiches and even Indian breakfasts like misal pav and poha work as amazing hangover cures! Make sure you eat well, but don’t overeat because that will make you feel uncomfortable and lethargic. 

4Anti Hangover Pills


Enjoy a booze-infused party, without a hangover the next day.  Party Smart pills before a party literally works as a hangover shield and saves you from those horrible headaches, nausea and overall annoying feeling the next day. There are several brands available in the market, but do your research before picking one that works for you! We also suggest more organic ways like staying hydrated while you drink and limiting your alcohol intake altogether instead of making it a habit to rely on these hangover remedies! 

Don’t forget to Drink Responsibly and avoid that hangover altogether.


If you’re looking for more fun ways to party and drink responsibly, You’ve got to follow Alcohowl on Instagram.

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